Diet & Nutrition Consultation

At Deccan MultispecialityHardikar Hospital Diet consultation and counselling is available for all types of health problems. (Obesity, Diabetes, Cardiac problems, Weight gain, Kidney diseases, Cancer ).
A diet consultations helps a lot in early recovery from diseases increase immunity ,repair cells or even generate new cells thus we prescribe the right food according to the specific condition will help patient recover from the health condition faster.we also suggest various techniques for the patient which help in implementing the diet prescribed.


“Diet cures more than doctors”

Eating a balanced diet with the right amount & variety of vitamins & nutrients can reduced back problems by nourishing the bones, muscles,disc & other structures in the is essential for bone health & helps maintain the necessary level of bone mass throughout the lifespan & especially in old age.
Nutrition education is an essential component in improving dietary habits & food choices, in order to reverse the under nutrition & improve the nutritional diagnosis. Poor dietary habits & lack of physical activity can be main reason for poor nutritional status among older adults.


“Eat healthy day and night, to keep your future looking bright”

We take into consideration the 24 hour food recall recorded by the patient. We use this material to plan the diet chart. The patients past medical history & biochemical reports from the base for the diet chart preparation .we also consider the patient’s age, religious benefits, food preference, chewing & swallowing abilities, their ability to accept food & any food allergies. The diet chart plan is flexible & tailor made as per each patient’s requirement so that it can be easily followed. It creates a conductive atmosphere of natural healing of body.
There is little doubt that poor diet being immobile for long periods & bad habits (smoking, alcohol) contribute to spinal degeneration & the high incidence of back & neck pain.
“we are what we eat & spine is no exception. A balanced diet,adequate fluid intake & regular exercise are essential for healthy back & neck.”


“Eat wise, drop a size….”